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Educational Qualification

2008-2009: Course of Comics and Graphic Humor. International Institute of Journalism  "José Martí", Havana. Cuba.

2001-2007: Pedagogical Institute "Ruben Martinez Villena" Major in Visual Arts. Cuba.

Selected Solo Shows:

From the bed to the table, to the ink, to the waiting. Galway. Ireland. 2022/ Otro muestrario del mundo. Cultural Center Vitrina de Valonia. Havana. Cuba. (2021) / The Kave Fair Exhibition. Alserkal Avenue. Dubai (2019) / El hombre imaginario. La Ubre Studio, Factory of Cuban Art. Havana. Cuba (2018) / Reciclando Ando. Illustrations for the documentary: Women from garbage to welfare. Lobby of Charles Chaplin Cinema. Havana, Cuba (2018) / Voces y rostros de América. Eduardo Abela Gallery. San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba (2017) / Caricaturas a paso de Conga. Cuba Libro Coffee, Havana, Cuba (2017) / Mundo con miradas. Gallery & Tattoo Studio La Marca. Havana, Cuba (2017) / Música por cuenta propia. Sala Galich, Casa de las Américas. Havana. Cuba (2016) / Todo incluido. Gallery Angerona. Artemisa, Cuba (2016) / La escena a la mesa. Habana Blues Restaurant. Havana, Cuba (2015) / Los viajeros del Sarcófago. Illustrations Lobby of UPEC (Unión de Periodistas de Cuba). Havana, Cuba (2015). 

Selected Group Shows: 

At pen PointX. Green Library, FIU Modesto Maidique Campus. Miami. UU.EE (2023) / 3er Aniversario. La Marca Body art studio. La Havana. Cuba (2022) / I.C.E Caricature Museum in Fayoum. Egipto (2022) / I.C.E Ayding Dogan. Turkia (2022) / International Cartoon Exhibition. Yasser Arafat Museum. Palestina (2022) / A mal tiempo… Galería Belkis Ayón. Centro experimental de la Gráfica. Habana. Cuba (2021) / 28 Festival Internacional Calicomix. Colombia (2021) / First International Cartoon Contest. Tech Vertu. United Kingdom (2021) / Bici dibujos con Humor. Rosario. Argentina (2021) / Galway Cartoon Festival. Ireland (2021) / Exposición Internacional de Caricaturas. Bacovia. Rumania (2021) /Humor en fase 3. Contemporaneous Art Centre “Wilfredo Lam”. Havana, Cuba (2020) / Humor con Nasobuco. Angerona Gallery. Artemisa, Cuba (2020) / Sustainable City Fair Exhibition. Dubai (2019) / Arte Market Fair Exhibition. Mercato Mall. Dubai (2019) / XXIII Diogenes Taborda International Contest Exhibition. Argentina (2018) / Trolls & Bestioles. Fantastic Art Center. Brussels. Belgium (2018) / 2nd Edition of the International Cartoon Competition. Marocco (2018) / El agua tiene Memoria. International Cartoon Festival Exhibition. Colombia (2018) / Wonderful? Wonder World 2018 Exhibition. Tokyo Japan (2018) / La Ubre. Villena Gallery of the UNEAC. Havana, Cuba (2018) / Trolls &

Bestioles. Fantastic Art Center. Brussels. Belgium (2017) / Wonderful? Wonder World 2017 Exhibition. Tokyo. Japan (2017) / Agente Naranja. Ares Studio. Havana, Cuba (2017). / XX International Biennial of Graphic Humor. Museum of Humor. San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba (2017) / Los intrépidos. Art Collection of Latin-American humorists. Casa de las Américas. Havana, Cuba (2016) / Trump. Pared de Caricatura. Museum of Caricature. Mexico (2016) / 3st International Cartoon Contest. Sinaloa. Mexico (2015) / Aquelarre Festival. Villena Gallery of UNEAC. Havana, Cuba (2015) / Aquelarre Festival. Lobby of Covarrubias Room, National Theater of Havana, Cuba (2015) / Yo soy Artemisa. Angerona Gallery Cuba (2015) / XIX International Biennial of Graphic Humor. Museum of humor. San Antonio de los Baños. Cuba


2do Award Personal Caricature and 3rd Award Comic. 23 International Biennial of Graphic Humor. Cuba (2023) / Special Award of the Director of the Legnice Cultural Centre. International Cartoon Contest Satyrykon Legnica. Polonia (2023) / Firts Award Erotic Humor XXI International Cartoon Contest. Melaito. Santa Clara, Cuba (2022)/ Honorable Mention. Refuse to stay silent. Norway (2022) / Honorable Mention. International CartoonContest Calicomix Colombia (2022) / 2 Honorable Mention International Festival of Satira and Humor “Marul de Aur” Bistra 38th Edition Romania (2022) / Special Award 22nd International Drawing Competition for Freedom of Press. Canada (2022) / Special Gran premio conjunto de la obra, Primer Premio Historieta, Primer Premio Sátira Politca, Mención en Caricatura Personal y Humor. National Cartoon Contest. Humoranga. Cuba (2022) / Mention Personal Caricature. XXXII Juan David Cartoon Contest. Cuba. (2022) / Best Award Havana 2099. DiHavana Studio Contest. Cuba (2021) / Weptoon Award Sicaco cartoon Contest Korea (2021) / First prize and Posada Medio Award (Drawing category) and Mention (engraving). José Luis Posada National Contest. Cuba (2021) / Honorable Mention XXIX International Festival of Satire and Humor “City of Trento” Italia (2021) / Honorable Mention Contest Silencing the Guns in Africa. Kenya (2021) /Selected Prize Montly Syrian cartoon competition (August). Syria (2021) / 2nd Award International Cartoon Contest Talide. Germany (2021) / Award Freedom Cartoon Exhibition. Indonesia (2021) / Premio Colateral Centro Pablo. 22 International Bienal of Humor. Cuba (2021) / Premio Colateral Ministerio de Cultura. 22 International Biennale of Humor. Cuba (2021) / Mention Personal Caricature. 22 International Biennale of Humor. Cuba (2021) Honorable Mention.

8th International Cartoon Exhibition Ymittos & Ergastiri. Greece (2021) / Diploma Especial. Comic sin Fronteras. 6to International Contest Noticartun. Colombia (2020) / Honorable Mention 15 Salao International of Humor Limeira. Brasil (2020) 

/ Honorable Mention 1 st Kartal Municipality Covid19 Cartoon International Contest. Turkey (2020) / 2nd Award Erotic Humor. XIX International Cartoon Contest. Melaito. Santa Clara, Cuba (2020) / Honorable Mention 15 Salao International of Humor Limeira. Brasil (2019) / 2nd Award General Humor XIX International Cartoon Contest. Melaito. Santa Clara, Cuba (2019) / Mention. Bastogne International Press Cartoon Contest, Belgium (2019) / Collateral award. XXI International Biennial of Graphic Humor. Cuba (2019) / First Award. 8vo International Cartoon Contest GIN. Spain (2018) / Success Award. 3rd International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest. Istanbul. Turkey (2018) / 2nd Mention International Contest XXIII Diogenes Taborda. Argentina (2018) /

Mention. 2nd Edition of the Competition International Cartoon-Marocco (2018) / General Humor

Award and Barro sin Berro Award, National Cartoon Contest El loquito. Cuba (2018) / 2

nd Place. XX International Biennial of Graphic Humor. Cuba (2017) / Collateral award. International Cartoon Contest, Melaito. Santa Clara. Cuba (2017) / First prize and Posada Medio Award. José Luis Posada National Contest. Cuba (2017)/ Mention in Personal Caricature. Juan David National Contest. Cuba (2017) / Mention in Personal Caricature in the National Contest La Picúa. Cuba (2016) / Mention in Personal Caricature and Political Satire. Museum of Humor. Cuba (2016) / Prize in General Humor and Mention in Personal Caricature. Hall of Graphic Humor, Aquelarre. Cuba (2016)

Books Illustrated: 

El roto computador. Private project. USA (2023)

Rebelión en la granja. Andareles Editorial. Ecuador (2022) / Algo extraño entre la

lumbre. Andareles Editorial. Ecuador (2022) / Historias de Vocales y Colores. Gente Nueva Editoria. Cuba (2022) / El Reino de la Alegría. Gente Nueva Editorial. Cuba (2021) / Los Montuvios. Andareles Editorial. Ecuador (2020) / Para leer al atardecer. Andareles Editorial. Ecuador (2020) / Vientos de Balas. Gente Nueva Editorial. Cuba (2020) / Nachito y el Caso de las Abuelas Desaparecidas. Gente Nueva Editorial. Cuba (2020) / Cuando despiertes. Calendar Award 2018. Casa Editorial Abril. Cuba (2019) / Historias de Domingo. Independent Production. Cuba (2017) / Los Viajeros del Sarcófago. Gente Nueva Editorial. (Cuba 2016)

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